Right. The most valuable key in this project is jury nullification. People need to opt out without repercussion. In statist society, you can’t even opt out. If you try, there will be a lot of complications in the way to prevent you to opt out. And they should have protection from the collectives who wants to enslave people who wants to opt out.
Preciously, now you’re getting the big picture here. I firstly love this forum layout, and would love to fork the code, and build in a way that it fits for bitlaw. Everything would remain the same with mixture of subreddits, and craiglist. When the community is created, it provides a new private subforum. Any person who has the shareholder can access the forum. It should also be open for the public. I was thinking have the sub forum open to the public, but every thread either has two choices, shareholders private thread or public thread.
Then it would also include company/community crowd sourcing platform inside of that subforum. Anybody could create a thread, and build a crowd source on the thread. Much like kickstarter.
As for the relationship / business / social network goes, what I provided above covers it.
I need figure out how to implement forum inside of safenet. And how it is stored.
Edited: Perfect timing!
Inside of safenet, it will have html. I am unsure how it would look like. This is just a idea.
bitlaw/contacts/insert your individuals or group of circle here