Another part which I’m hoping will be covered well in the whitepaper is the consensus algorithm. To be honest I’ve lost track over the years how this evolved. I know Node Aging is playing a key role within a section to control attack vectors but it seems the new design also requires inter-section consensus. I can still remember the launch of the PARSEC whitepaper and then noticed some discussions around the new Safecoin design including Digital Bearer Certificates, but couldn’t find much resources on these. I’ve read both updates, here, and here. I understand each section kind of acts as a mint for the DBC and these are connected by a DAG.
I’m semi-knowledgeable on DAGs but to me it seems each independent section must have knowledge of the whole DAG which sounds hard to accomplish, as this is probably stored decentralised? The other question is, how is consensus reached between the sections which certificate should be added to the DAG?
When reading about DAGs most people will think of IOTA and that it could not achieve decentralization yet so it might make sense to address this concern and maybe above questions in particular. But maybe my knowledge on this is just too shallow.