I’m working on enhancing this error message, but what’s happening when you see this is authd taking too long (and for sure timing out) to connect to the network. So there seems to be a connectivity problem of authd with the shared-section.
This morning I had to re-authenticate and restart the SafeBrowser and the image is perfect…after a page refresh it’s scrambled again.
Not me. The images display show erratic behavior. Same in one of my pages.
Could be the Browser or the problem is deeper.
FYI I’m using mobile broadband via a hotspot on my phone and have always seen either the bootstrap or read error messages when trying to log in and self auth.
I did see account logged in once, using safe auth status
but not since, although I’ve not retried that much.
It Just Works with the new mobile authenticator and browser except for one wee snag. The application stops unless it is kept on top.
@Yerontour nice bike image is untorn for me but on mobile is squeezed or stretched depending on portrait or landscape orientation
@davidpbrown I see what you mean about safe://hello22 and 23
SOLVED: had to sync the whole folder
I update my .html(height=“auto” width=“100%”) and sync via the CLI but looks like the Safe version is not updated.
files sync /…/SafeSite/index.html safe://hnyynys5zcpbwm6jw7pio4fwe7ug6kr65yift6akgrkesr69crffjw3czwbnc
FilesContainer synced up (version 1): “safe://hnyynys5zcpbwm6jw7pio4fwe7ug6kr65yift6akgrkesr69crffjw3czwbnc?v=1”
- /…/SafeSite/index.html safe://hbhybyntxwwru45n5wcknpxi6fw4medfws6o5a4rj4qptbu4iocdmg8hri
Yeah, I think you are having some intermittent connectivity issue with the shared-section, from what I see, sometimes from authd but sometimes from CLI. I’ll be making the CLI timeout window (in the comm with authd) larger also so it doesn’t timeout before authd times out, in this way we’ll be able to see the error coming from authd when it times out.
have a same problem!
What does this suggest?
ERROR safe] safe-cli error: Failed to connect: [Error] InvalidInput - Failed to decode the credentials: InvalidMsg
I’m getting that with cat; dog; files ls …?
That’s because you are using credentials which you probably obtained for a different network…?, to solve it just make sure you re-authorise the CLI. I’ll check why is requiring them though, as it shouldn’t need them for read-only commands like cat on public data.
Edit: you can also fix it by removing the credentials file from ~/.local/share/safe-cli/credentials
, then you should be able to have read-only access to public data. I’ll enhance it so it doesn’t fail when the credentials are invalid and not necessary like in the case of cat/dog on public data.
Removing that file worked but I noted that file was zero bytes empty.
Before you do, perhaps consider the cat dumps error as it its content…
If ever there is an error, that should not become part of the content that cat is generating…
So, I downloaded @Yerontour bike index.html and jpg… fixing the cat for getting the real image… and that works in firefox but uploading I got a similar problem to above… which I wonder is the same that is corrupting the eye.eye .gif
So, given the image downloads (tail -n +2 ./zero.jpg > ./zero1.jpg
removed the error).
It seems this necessarily then is a browser issue… the file is uploading and downloading as it should … ??
I’m having the issue where the bootstrapping times out. Anyone got an idea for what to do?
I got it to work by doing safe auth stop
, then safe auth start
and then safe auth create-acc --test-coins
@happybeing pinging you to see what worked for me.
Uploaded my portfolio website to the network because it’s what I have: safe://orsvarn
Worked surprisingly well and was really easy to do! But one exception: Some links go to the correct safe address, but others are still http links, anyone knows why?
It’s pretty interesting with the broken images etc. Testing out safe://testaudio.digipl there is some interesting mangled data there too. Most samples on that site stop early for me. The .ogg sample starts acting up, playing the same section several times and making the “total length” number in the player go up.
I also experienced the issue where an image loaded fine on the first look, then when I went back a version it was mangled, when I went forward again it was still mangled. Wonder what’s going on.
It seems like parts of the files are left out and the software doesn’t care to try making sure the missing parts are retrieved.
CLI dumps the .html with
safe cat safe://orsvarn/index.html
and shows that you have hardlinks in the .html as
<a href="http://orsvarn.com
also perhaps oddly some as root references “/” that I wonder should not work anywhere that’s not local to you. I’d expect those might be intended as “./” relative references
So, perhaps url(./img/post-thumbnail/editor.jpg)
I’ve not checked if something without protocol will default to safe but would expect so
<a href="orsvarn.com
=> safe://orsvarn.com regardless of the sense of that domain existing or not in safe://.
Just wanna shout out props to all those testing and the continued conversation!
A lot of this is over my head but I really enjoy reading it, trying to understand, seeing everyone helping each other and figuring it out. It gives a real sense of progression and community growth.
Thanks to everyone! Keep rockin’!
I’m with you. I just want to look back in 10 years time and say I was there when all this testing was happening and things were happening at the rate of knots and I didn’t understand a word of it but believed in the end result.
Making it relatable is part of the testing… the code in some ways is secondary to making it immediate and useful… though I suppose there will always be many who rely on services to obscure the workings and provide pure product.