Are vault IDs and node IDs different from each other?

@dirvine It does, although I have to read it multiple times to get it. But finally I will, and I think most of us… That’s how we learn isn’t it? :wink:

Another thing are the identities on Safenet. Trying to find an ip-address from a XOR-address is like almost impossible, I get that. But what about the close nodes? They know my IP:port:puclic ket etc. So if I ask for a chunk, they have to see it come by don’t they? They have to know me to get the chunk to my computer using my ip-address;port etc.?

And what about these identities. You’ve said that for browsing, a different identity is used than for a vault, so to speak. An identity is a pair of keys isn’t it? So if I connect on different days, different times to the Safenet, my closest XOR-nodes will probably change, but my identity won’t. How does the identity for browsing, asks for data? It needs to sent out a request for chunks or a URL (so to speak). So the close nodes again (new or old…) have to see data for the identity come by. That way they could find out about which ip-address with which XOR is using which identity… Probably you’ve prevented this in a very smart way, but that’s the part I still don’t get. I’ve been talking with @Melvin and others on Slack about this as well. Still some sort of magic to the most. Even after reading the system docs.

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