Apps disguising themselves as other apps

OK, I feel better that I am actually seeing vunerabilites here and I am not mistaken. From some of the reactions on my comments I thought I was being ignorant. It seems the vulnerabilities are bigger than I thought.

If this “disguising” is a [quote=“Seneca, post:4, topic:11419”]
a feature
[/quote] without the vulnerabilities then I would feel more safe and actually happy about it. But, I must say calling it “disguising” creates all kinds of questions in my head. From @digipl 's [comment] (SafeEditor MVP, edit your safe files directly from your browser - #26 by digipl) it seems (as i would of thought) that MaidSafe is aware of this issue (which is way more technical than I understand)

Perhaps @DavidMtl could explain why he thinks sandboxing app’s data isn’t the best solution and what other possibilities are available.

It is exactly this, the Safe Launcher needs to educate people if it wants to be successful. But as @Seneca says [quote=“Seneca, post:4, topic:11419”]
we should try not to spam the user