Announcing the BambooGarden Fund

Has anyone got some good historical research / current status on these types of funds? What works and what doesn’t? What to avoid vs what went better than expected?

I started looking into this a little in the researching network updates and governance topic, which looks at how Dash and Tezos manage their grants / funds. Ethereum foundation also does a lot of grants but I don’t know much about their process or level of success or community reception. Zcash is another project that does a lot of grant work too.

The idea of grant giving isn’t new, but I’m wondering if there’s any stuff particularly in this decentralized network space we need to be aware of? Also should we be aiming to avoid overlap? Or aiming at some cooperation with other groups? Seems like an area that’s very active these days but I’m not seeing much discussion around the current environment which seems like it would be very important to understand if we want to get the most out of these funds.