Announcing the BambooGarden Fund

ETH 1,000 is $1.8m! (ref).

Wow this is good news and I’d like to solicit interest from anyone with reasonable JavaScript, Rust or front-end skills to contact me with a view to taking on work pushing the Safe Git Portal project forward.

At this point I’ve been taking a break, for a few weeks now and considering whether or not I wish to continue spending time on such a large project (or any code at all). So if this area (git / Safe-Github-a-like / Rust / WASM / Svelte etc) interests you and the fund would make it possible for you to contribute, or even take the lead here let’s talk.

Update 28th March 2021

I mentioned the BambooGarden fund as a way to fund gitoxide (a set of git libraries in Rust) to its maintainer who’s keen to support and develop open source decentralisation in Rust. He’s too busy to give time to this right now but is keen to explore this and hopes to do so in future (more in this reply).

Git Portal Links

  • Safe Git Portal Discussion (forum topic)
  • last Git Portal Micro Update (forum reply)
  • Git Portal repositories:
    • Proof of concept - first demo (github, live)
    • Prototype - active development (github)


  • Initial funding discussion (github)