Yawn… take it to polo and and complain there.
As myself and others have said, polo is a good option for many.
You disagree, fine.
That does not make it inappropriate to reccomend.
Except to you it seems.
There are not many more viable options and you know that.
It was not the going to KYC that was the problem, it is that they announced they would allow people to withdraw their coins after the date but then on the date they didn’t allow then to withdraw and effectively holding those coins to ransom unless they did KYC.
KYC was not the issue, it was the disallowing of withdrawals when they clearly announced it would be allowed.
To be clear it was not going to KYC that was an issue.
AND they said if you did not do KYC then you would be able to withdraw your coins, even though your trading was halted. This was the actual issue, not going to KYC
BTW I did not lose anything and was not trading on Poloniex anyhow. I am stating this as people seem to feel its the KYC that was the problem, no it was denying withdrawal of coins when they clearly said they allow the coins to be withdrawn.
Its an issue of honest dealings.
I agree that they should have made a comment to users which date kyc was going to be implemented, they also should have stated that funds could not be withdrawn if users did not verify their account after kyc implementation. It would probably been against rules to allow withdraws after kyc was implemented because that is the whole purpuse of kyc, to not allow transfers without verifying an account.
As a majority probably don’t have a problem with verifying their account, then the problem of not being able to withdraw without verifying the account becomes a non existing problem.
As a majority probably don’t have a problem with verifying their account it is perfectley okey to give a general recommendation to use Poloniex, which should apply to most new users.
But if someone want’s to, then they can make a disclaimer: if Poloniex needs to follow regulatory rules which demands user action then you might not be able to withdraw funds without completing those actions, even if they say that you can do so.
I strongly believe that Poloniex is the best exchange we have right now, and it is a better exchange then many other exchanges out there, so it should also be perfectley fine to recommend them.
That is wrong. There is always an issue when being dishonest in the dealings with their customers whom they profit from.
Remove the broad brush of “As a majority” and I will agree with you. Since that time they seem to have dealt fairly and now Circle (or whatever they are called) own them so its different anyhow.
Was it the case that the KYC was enacted when Polo was acquired? If so, maybe the previous management said they’d allow the withdrawals, but the legal counsel of the new owners nixed it?
Announced prior. And no set date for forcing KYC. Then when date set (or just announced after fact - don’t remember) people found they could not withdraw. I think the actual date which kyc was forced was after acquired or at least after the process of acquisition had started.
I have read through most of this topic and I still don’t know what to do to buy some MAID. I got an Omniwallet, put some BTC in it, went to Changelly but it is asking for a MaidSafe wallet address. I’m lost on this. The chat on Changelly referred me to several other wallet products to set up a MAID address. I feel like I am chasing my tail.
Since I cannot use poloniex anymore the replies that mention it are not of any use. Has anyone bought some MAID within the last month (as of Nov 2019)? If I can get vested I will be more interested in SAFE.
MaidSafe wallet address = bitcoin address. You can pick any address from your omniwallet.
That’s what made sense but Changelly is saying “Invalid address”. So I went to my addresses and created a new address and tried that. Same result.
I must be doing something wrong.
MAID is an Omni token. Omni tokens are bitcoin derivatives and are often referred to as colored bitcoins. For individuals transacting in them, this requires that you have both complete and total control of your private keys and a small amount of bitcoin to send them over them bitcoin network. Everything is the same as if you were sending to and from a cold storage bitcoin wallet but you need a small amount of bitcoin to move them about and you have to be goddamn sure you know what you are doing. If you need help, just PM me.
I don’t know, your MAID address(public key) should look like a bitcoin address and start with a ‘1’. For example 1LJpVhteeGMCUNvhpGU2Y99vz3GnYgeKr6
Maybe selected the wrong coin or so? I am not familiar with Changelly and its gui.
Looks pretty similar 1…
OK. That was the little boost I needed. Turns out my copy added a couple of blank spaces at the end. Whew!
Thanks for your help.
I am not clear on KYC but it required email only. I was sent a link to confirm the email then I could do transactions.
It is seemingly random with Changelly.
I have never needed to provide any info but I’ve seen reports around that they may request info if things look suspicious.
(Sorry dont have any links to that though)
Personally i have never had issues with them.
A friend of my had to make a selfie while holding his ID
MAID (20 characters)